Pass vecka 7
Måndag 12 feb
For time:
20 Power Cleans
40 Burpees over barbell
20 Power Cleans
Tisdag 13 feb
Team of 2
50 Synchro Burpees
50 Alternating KB C&J
50 Push-ups
50 Shuttle Runs
50 KB Thrusters
50 Air Squats
50 cal Ski-erg
50 KB Swings
50 Pull-ups
AMRAP Synchro Burpees TC: 45min
Onsdag 14 feb
Team of 2.
20 rounds/athlete
3 Deadlifts
5 Push Press/Bench press 60%
7 Hang Leg Raises
TC: 40 min
En person kör hela sitt varv.
Vilar sedan medans den andra kör sitt varv.
Torsdag 15 feb
40 min EMOM
1. 50s Wall-Balls
2. 50s Ring-Rows
3. 50s Burpee Box jump overs
4. Rest
5. 5 Backsquats
6. 50s 2 Wall-Walks + KB-Swings
7. 50s 5 Push-ups + 5 Ball-slams
8. Vila
Fredag 16 feb
Team of 2. YGIG
Ladder of 1-10 reps:
DB Squats