Pass vecka 10

Måndag 6 mars

Massa text nedan men det är inte så krångligt som man kan tro:)
Detta blir ett kul pass, och “åker man ut” så kan man fortsätta ändå för “skojs skull”.
Men kul att se hur långt DU kommer.
Försök använda de givna vikterna men full förståelse att det inte går ganska snabbt in i passet… Använd de vikterna som gör att du kan köra vidare på.

CrossFit Open 23.3

Starting with a 6-minute time cap, complete as many reps as possible of:

  • 5 Wall Walks (scale: kortare väg upp)

  • 50 Double-Unders (scale: Single-unders)

  • 15 Snatches 34/43kg (scale: 20/34kg)

  • 5 Wall Walks

  • 50 Double-Unders

  • 12 Snatches 61/43kg (Scale: 29/43kg)

    *If completed before the 6-minute time cap, add 3 minutes to the time cap and complete:

  • 20 Strict Handstand Push-Ups (scale: Handrelese Push-ups)

  • 50 Double-Unders

  • 9 Snatches 56/83kg (scale: 34/52kg)

    *If completed before the 9-minute time cap, add 3 minutes to the time cap and complete:

  • 20 Strict Handstand Push-Ups

  • 50 Double-Unders

  • 6 Snatches 70/102kg (scale: 38/61kg)

This test begins after “3, 2, 1, … go,” move to the wall and complete 5 wall walks. Then, complete 50 double-unders. Next, move to the barbell and complete 15 snatches at the first weight. Then, repeat the sequence of 5 wall walks and 50 double-unders, then 12 snatches at the second weight. If you complete the 12 snatches at the second weight under the 6-minute time cap, add 3 minutes to the time cap and immediately continue with 20 strict handstand push-ups, 50 double-unders, and 9 snatches at the third weight. You do not need to wait until the 6-minute mark to begin the strict handstand push-ups. If you complete the 9 snatches under the 9-minute time cap, add 3 minutes to the time cap and immediately continue with 20 strict handstand push-ups, 50 double-unders, and 6 snatches at the final weight. You do not need to wait until the 9-minute mark to begin the strict handstand push-ups. If the athlete completes all of the reps under the time cap, their score will be the total time taken to complete the test.

If the athlete reaches the time cap before completing all of the reps, their score will be the total number of reps completed.

Tisdag 7 mars

A. EMOM 12 min
M1: AMRAP Strict Pull-ups
M2: 10-12 Double KB/DB Strict Press
M4: Rest

B. Emma-Gill träningsöveraskar er!

Onsdag 8 mars

A. EMOM 30 min

Min 1: One round “The Chief”
Min 2: 8-12 Burpee to plate
Min 3: 8-12 DB Snatch
Min 4: One round “Macho man”
Min 5: 8-12 Box-jumps
Min 6: Rest

Torsdag 9 mars

A. 5-4-3 Heavy Push Press
TC: 12 min

B. 3 sets of:
30s Hollow Hold
8-10 Banded RDL
30/30s KB Suitcase Hold

C. For time:
80 One-arm alternating KB swings
60 One-arm KB snatches
40 One-arm KB Thrusters
20 One-arm KB Frontsquats

Byt arm när du vill (varje gång på första övningen)
Om du släpper din KB: 5 burpee straff.

Fredag 10 mars

3 workouts

2 rounds for cals:
2 min of:
10 DB Push-Press 15/22,5kg (scale 10/15kg)
10 Burpees over DB
1 min Rest

Short chipper for time:
400/500m Row
40 Wall-Balls 6/9kg
30 Ball over shoulders 20/30kg (scale: 15/25kg)
TC: 9 min

As fast as possible:
2 rounds of:
10 Pull-ups
15 Push-ups
20 Sit-ups
25 Double-unders/50 Single-unders
TC 9 min


Vecka 11


Pass vecka 9