Pass vecka 24
Måndag 10 juni
A.Snatch Paused at Hip 5×3 by feel
B. Backsquats 5×5@80-85%
C. 3 rounds
10 Strict Presses @70-80%
10 Goodmornings
10 weighted Strict hanging leg raises / weighted reverse crunches
Tisdag 11 juni
A. AMRAP 15min
10 Ring-Rows
10 Alternating DB Snatches
10 Goblet Squats
5min REST
AMRAP 15min
5 Pull-ups
7 Push-ups
10 KB Swings
Onsdag 12 juni
A. 1 Clean&Jerk upp till 85%
B. 5×5 Front Squats @80-85%
C. Deadlifts upp till 2RM
Torsdag 13 juni
A. 20 min av missad skivstångsträning från måndag eller onsdag eller annat alternativ.
B. 4RM Bench press
C. 3 sets of AMRAP (-2) Benchpress 80% of 4RM
AMRAP Strict Pull-ups
16 One-leg V-ups
Fredag 14 juni
7 rounds for time of:
300-meter jogg
10 left-arm DB Thrusters 9/12,5kg
10 right-arm DB Thrusters 9/12,5kg
7 Strict Pull-ups
Rest 3 min between rounds
Wear a 4,5/6,3kg weight vest if you can
(or jog with a 4/6kg slamball